
来源 :中学生英语·七年级 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cychenying2007
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  When you grow up, what will the world be like? Scientists and thinkers have puzzled over that question. Hundreds of years ago, writers imagined a future where people lived easy lives, doing what they wanted to, buying what they wanted without money.
  Before you were born, scientists predicted1 that the earth would soon be covered in ice. Others predicted that the ice will all melt.
  Those predictions did not come to pass. The truth is that the future is a mystery2. And here’s the exciting part: You will live there one day!
  When you are a grown-up, what will life be like? No one can be sure, but many very smart people have some interesting ideas.
  3D Printed Food
  Feel like a pizza? Print one!Yes, in the future, when you need to feed your kids, you might cook up a pizza on a 3D printer. NASA is currently experimenting with 3D food print-ers to use in space.
  Here on earth, 3D printers are already being used, but they are very expensive and don’t prepare a lot of different foods. By the time you are a grown-up, 3D food printers will be as com-mon as microwave ovens. And you’ll be able to add extra cheese.
  Your Home Will Be Your Doctor
  Paying for health care is expensive. When you grow up, you will pay taxes to pay for that care. To help keep costs low, your home will be filled with tools that keep an eye of your health. Your toothbrush will test your saliva3. Your toilet will test your deposits4.
  Of course, your watch will also tell you how your heart is doing. All of this testing will help find health problems before they become too serious. They will tell you when you need to see a human doctor and when you just need to take a breath and relax.
  When You Do Need a Doctor
  In the future, you might get treated by tiny robots of a robot suit.
摘要:用Excel可高效处理学生成绩,介绍了表格的设计、相关公式的使用和模板的制作。  关键词:Excel 公式 模板  中图分类号: G434 文献标识码: B 文章编号:1002-2422(2008)01-0035-02    1 表格设计    工作簿中设计三个工作表,第一个工作表为参数设置工作表。不同的课程考勤成绩、作业成绩、考试成绩占综合成绩的比例不同,缺席一次所扣分数也会不同
趙小辉  出生日期:2005年8月12日  爱好:打网球  座右铭:Lost time is never found again.  光阴一去不复返。  就读学校班级:山东省梁山县杨营中学七(2)班  指导教师:于莹  When I finished my study in primary school, I had to face hard choices. One was to stay at
文章编号:1008-0546(2010)02-0038-03中图分类号:G632.41文献标识码:B  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1008-0546.2010.02.017    笔者执教初三(沪教版)新教材已有四年多,其间认真学习了新大纲和新教材,也参阅了不少有关新大纲、新教材的研讨文章,又连续听了校内外多位化学教师的授课和参加多次省市区关于新教材的培训,颇受启发,自感有很多体会欲与
Since I went to middle school, I have met a lot of interesting friends, and most of them are my classmates. Though we are from different areas and share different interests, we are a group and make pr
摘要:《化学1》识记性知识的过多集中,教和学的时间的紧缩,教学过程中有必要采取默写的检测手段。作者对学生《铝》的默写中的错误进行了深刻的反思,通过学生自主实验和小组学习的形式进行了补救。学生在实验中动手能力、思维能力得到了锻炼,学习积极性得到了提高。  关键词:默写;铝;反思  文章编号:1008-0546(2012)05-0052-02 中图分类号:G633.8 文献标识码:B  d
Americans like to have different kinds of parties such as birthday parties, surprise parties, tea parties and house■warming parties. Pajama parties are one of the most popular kinds of parties in the
【新目标英语七年级(下)STEP BY STEP  随堂通Unit 1答案】  一、1~5 CBABC 6~10 ABBAC  二、1~5 TTFFT  三、1~5 EABDF  四、1. 我喜欢网球、排球和篮球。  2. Swimming is my favorite sport.  3. 我也擅长下象棋。  4. I like playing the violin at weekends. 
【编者注】  灰姑娘是格林童话中塑造的人物形象。后来人们常用“灰姑娘”这个词去形容那些外表不出众但是内心善良,性格可爱的女子。故事告诉我们在任何嘲讽、刁难和欺凌之下,都要吃苦耐劳,忍辱负重地活着。故事告诉我们,如果对美好未来无限憧憬,保持善良与积极的心态,我们最终会获得幸福生活。  Once upon a time, there lived a kind and lovely girl. She
出生日期:2000年9月28日  爱好:吉他  座右铭:辛勤工作通向成功,失败在于懒惰。  就读学校:河北省阜城县古城中学八年级(4)班  指导老师:张超  A Present for My Mother  It was my mother’s birthday yesterday. I knew some of my classmates helped their mother with hou
摘要:本文首先对智慧校园数据挖掘的意义进行研究和分析,提出了基于Spark技术的智慧校园数据挖掘平台,将数据挖掘技术与Spark计算框架相结合,该平台采用HDFS作为数据存储,上层的Spark平台作为智慧校园数据挖掘算法的运行环境。针对与学生相关的数据挖掘,构建了学生分析子系統。  关键词: Spark; 数据挖掘; 智慧校园  中图分类号: TP391  文献标志码: A  文章编号: 2095