Family football team Bolivian businessman Getkery love football, he often generously sponsor a number of football teams, which won the “football philanthropist ” in the world. Recently, he decided to finance the establishment of his own football team, but asked to join the team’s members are all-family members. So his son, grandson, son-in-law, nephew became a member of the family football team. Atkenini himself as the team leader and coaches. After more than a year of hard training, the team skills and tactics have made great strides. “Family Football Team ” invited Bolivia two C teams and a B team to compete, the result, in addition to 0 to 2 to the B team, but also won a team 1 to 0 , 2 to 2 level another level C teams. After the game, Atkeni confidently said: “Soon, my football team will compete with the Bolivian Class A football team ”. Flatfoot football team Fleetlett Football Club is indeed an unusual football team in England. It is based on the advice of McDermott, consisting entirely of flat footer (flat foot). McDermott himself was both a flat footer and a fanatic