1.选好茬口、精细整地。杂交高粱应选择马铃薯、小麦、豆类茬种植为好,切忌连作。整地必须精细。应在秋季前茬作物收获后及时深耕,疏松土层,促进土壤熟化,积蓄秋冬雨雪,以达到“秋水春用”的目的。有灌溉条件的地方还要冬灌,增加底墒。土壤解冻后提早耙耱整地,彻底清除根茬、杂草,做到平整细碎,上虚下实,墒情良好。垄作的要结合整地打垄,并随时镇压,防止跑墒。 2.施足底肥、少施种肥。杂交高粱增产潜力大,需肥量也相应高,因而必须施足底肥。为防止春季深翻跑墒,不利于全苗,底肥最好结合深耕秋施。一般亩施优质农家肥3000~4000公斤,同时配合施用过磷酸钙
1. Selected crop stubble, fine preparation. Hybrid sorghum should choose potato, wheat, beans, stubble planting as well, should not even make. Site preparation must be fine. Should be in the fall before the crop harvest in time after deep plowing, loose soil, promote soil ripening, saving rain and snow in autumn and winter, in order to achieve “Autumn Spring ” purposes. Where irrigation conditions but also winter irrigation, increasing soil moisture. Soil thaw rake 耱 premature soil preparation, the complete removal of stubble, weeds, so that the formation of fine, on the virtual reality, good moisture content. Ridge for the integration of land to fight ridge, and repression at any time to prevent running moisture. 2. Shi enough foot fertilizer, less fertilizer. Hybrid sorghum yield potential, the required amount of fertilizer is also high, which must be applied to the foot of fat. In order to prevent deep spring run entropy, is not conducive to the whole seedlings, the best combination of autumn at the end of autumn fertilizer. General Mushi quality farmyard 3000 ~ 4000 kg, at the same time with the application of superphosphate