环孢菌素-A 和类固醇治疗66例尸体肾移植病人

来源 :国外医学.外科学分册 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gumozaoshi
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本文报道了66例尸体肾移植者用环孢霉素—A(Cyclosporin-A)作为免疫抑制剂的治疗经验。方法:治疗组平均年龄为39.2±9.9岁(18~61岁),女12,男54,其中57例为首次移植,9例为第二或第三次移植。供体和受体的相配性都很差。药物剂量及用法:(一)环孢菌素-A:于手术当天或术前一天开始应用,剂量为每日17.5 mg/kg,持续2个月。2个月后或出现药物副作用时,剂量减为每日10 mg/kg。(二)强的松:手术当天给药200mg,其后4天内每天减少40mg,第5天起每天用20 mg 为维持量,有并发症时才更改计划。如出现排斥反应,用1 g 氢化考的松一次,和口服大剂量强的松,连续5天,以后从200 mg 起,每天递减40mg。对照组为过去三年内应用常规免疫抑制药的肾移植病人,包括加用抗淋巴细胞球蛋白和胸导管引流者。结果:一、病人存活:治疗组中,9例于术后26~335天死亡。死亡时5例移植肾的功能良好。其中3例的死因与免疫抑制无关,另6例的死因主要是感染,并都有排斥。再次肾移植者无死亡。首次肾移植者的实际存活率比对照组稍好。但无显著性。二、肾存活:57例生存者随访9~18月,23例 This paper reports 66 cases of cadaveric kidney transplant recipients with cyclosporin-A (Cyclosporin-A) as an immunosuppressive therapy experience. Methods: The mean age of the treatment group was 39.2 ± 9.9 years (18 to 61 years), female 12 and male 54, of whom 57 were the first transplant and 9 were the second or third transplant. Donor and receptor compatibility are poor. Dosage and usage: (A) Cyclosporine-A: It is administered on the day of surgery or one day before surgery at a dose of 17.5 mg / kg daily for 2 months. After 2 months or when drug side effects occur, the dose is reduced to 10 mg / kg daily. (B) prednisone: 200mg on the day of surgery, 40mg decrease in the next 4 days, and 20mg daily for maintenance on the 5th day. The plan was changed only when there was a complication. In case of rejection, use 1 g hydrocortisone once, and oral high-dose prednisone for 5 consecutive days, starting from 200 mg, decreasing 40 mg daily. The control group was a kidney transplant patient using conventional immunosuppressive drugs in the past three years, including the addition of anti-lymphocyte globulin and thoracic ductal drainage. Results: First, the patient survived: In the treatment group, 9 patients died 26 to 335 days postoperatively. Five of the transplant kidneys function well at the time of death. In 3 of them, the cause of death was not related to immunosuppression. The other 6 deaths were mainly infectious and all had rejection. No further kidney transplant deaths. The actual survival of the first kidney transplant was slightly better than that of the control group. But not significant. Second, the survival of the kidney: 57 cases of survivors were followed up 9 to 18 months, 23 cases
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