患者,女,35岁,住院号102676。吞服速可眠3.5克,大仑丁7.5克,80%敌敌畏40毫升,10分钟后出现言语含糊,全身变软,不省人事。服药45分钟后急诊入院。患者深度昏迷,呼吸极表浅。口唇、手足发绀,双侧瞳孔3毫米,对光反射消失,血压80/50,心率110次。速给人工呼吸、2%碳酸氢钠洗胃(洗出液送药物分析检出速可眠、大仑丁,有机磷)。用80μg/ml 多巴胺和35μg/ml 重酒石酸间羟胺维持血压。入院20分钟后,呼吸突然停止,血压60/50,全身青紫,紧急作气管插管,用气囊作
Patient, female, 35 years old, hospital number 102676. Swallow speed can sleep 3.5 grams, 7.5 grams Dallun, 80% dichlorvos 40 ml, 10 minutes after the words vague, body soft, unconscious. 45 minutes after taking the emergency admission. Patients with deep coma, very superficial breathing. Lips, hand-foot cyanosis, bilateral pupils 3 mm, the light reflex disappeared, blood pressure 80/50, heart rate 110 times. Speed to artificial respiration, gastric lavage 2% sodium bicarbonate (eluate sent to the drug detection speed can sleep, Daren D, organic phosphorus). Blood pressure was maintained with 80 μg / ml dopamine and 35 μg / ml meta-hydroxylamine tartrate. 20 minutes after admission, breathing stopped suddenly, blood pressure 60/50, bruising, emergency tracheal intubation, with air bags for