作为非公路运输设备领域的领军企业,本届bices 2017展会同力重工携4类产品、6种机型盛装亮相,与国内外参展商同台竞技,尽展同力重工风采。据记者了解,此次同力重工展出的第四代非公路宽体矿用车(同力重工D系列产品)是同力重工基于对新市场结构、新客户结构、矿山施工工艺的研究,坚持围绕为用户实现价值,对标行业标准深入研究,精心研发、精益制造的新型产品,该产品在自动化、信息化、全生命周期都具备了
As a leader in off-highway transportation equipment, this year’s bices 2017 show will bring 4 types of products with 6 types of models, competing with domestic and foreign exhibitors to showcase their strength. According to the reporter, the fourth generation of non-road wide-body mining vehicles (Tongli D series products) exhibited by Tongli Heavy Industries is a joint effort of heavy industry based on the study of new market structure, new customer structure, mine construction technology, Adhere to focus on the realization of the value for the user, the standard industry standard in-depth study, well-developed, lean manufacturing of new products, the products in the automation, information, full life cycle have