当经济的列车高速行驶了26年,浙江的总量已跃过万亿标杆,人均GDP也渐趋3000 美元。与此同时,更遭遇到诸多“成长的烦恼”:资源要素紧缺、生态环境恶化、发展空间逼仄……浙江省在未来“十一五”乃至更长时期内,要取得“更高水平的发展”、继续“走在前列”,不仅要以“凤凰涅槃”的精神, 推动发展模式的实质性黑心型;还须放开眼量, 探寻新的发展空间和新的经济增长点。然而,以我省200多万亩的建设用地存量、95%以上一次能源调入的资源现状来看, 欲求新的发展空间,除了对内对外两个开放之外,仅就现行行政区划而言,只能改变思维,跳出陆域,将更多的眼光,转向资源丰富、潜力巨大的蓝色国土——海洋。
When economic trains run at high speed for 26 years, the total amount of Zhejiang has jumped over the benchmark of 1 trillion yuan and its per capita GDP has also gradually risen to 3,000 U.S. dollars. At the same time, it has also encountered many “troubles in growth”: the shortage of resources, the deteriorating ecological environment and the space for development. In the future “Eleventh Five-Year Plan” and even longer period, Zhejiang Province will have to achieve “a higher level of development ”And continue to be“ at the forefront ”. We must not only push forward the substantive black-hearted model of development with the spirit of“ the Phoenix Nirvana ”but must also open our eyes to exploring new areas of development and new points of economic growth. However, judging from the existing resources of more than 2 million mu of construction land and more than 95% of the primary energy transferred from our province, the new space for development, in addition to opening to the outside world and the outside world, is only open to the current administrative divisions , Can only change their minds, jump out of the land, and turn their attention more to the blue land of vast resources and great potential - the sea.