《似水流年》在香港上映后,立即轰动了香港影 坛,一举获得第四届香港电影金像奖“最佳影片”等五 项大奖,被誉为港片中罕见的佳作,还被好几个国际 电影节邀请参加评奖。但在我们内地上映时,它却受 到了出奇的冷遇。不要说文化层次较低的观众连呼这 是一部“极差的影片”、“看不懂”,就连笔者周围一些 文化层次比较高的电影观众(大学毕业的中学教师), 也认为这部影片“太差了”、“连说些什么东西都不知 道“。对这部影片评价反差如此之大,这激起了笔者想 在中学生中作一次调查的兴趣。调查在初中二年级的
After its release in Hong Kong, The Year in Water soon became known as Hong Kong Film Cinema and won five awards at the Fourth Hong Kong Film Awards for Best Picture. It was praised as a rare masterpiece in Hong Kong films, International Film Festival invited to participate in the award. However, when it was released in the Mainland, it was surprisingly cold-tempered. Do not say that audience members of lower cultural level cries This is a “very poor film”, “can not read”, and even some of the cultural level around the author’s high audience (college graduates of high school teachers), also think this The film “Too bad,” “I do not even know what to say.” The contrast between the ratings of the film is so great that it arouses my interest in making a survey among secondary students. Investigate second-year junior high school