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在对新场气田上沙溪庙组气藏 5 8口井的地震、地质、钻井、测井、测试及生产资料分析的基础上 ,充分运用确定性 (PostStack/PAL、Strata、Rave、RM、Integralplus、Stratimagic)和随机 (Jason)建模新技术、新方法对储层进行全面、细致的三维定量表征 ,建立了气藏J2 s2 1、J2 s2 2 、J2 s2 3 、J2 s2 4四套储层的三维空间储层属性参数 (孔隙度、渗透率、含水饱和度 )模型 ,网格大小为 2 0m× 2 0m× 1μs(2m) ,提高了气藏储层描述的精度 ,改进了原有储层预测在井间插值方面的不足。对上沙溪庙组气藏各类储层的改造及已探明储量的合理利用提供合理的技术支持 ,为气藏开发部署提供了可靠依据。 Based on the analysis of the seismics, geology, drilling, well logging, testing and production data of 58 wells in the Shaximiao Gas Reservoirs on the Xinchang Gas Field, the authors make full use of certainty (PostStack / PAL, Strata, Rave, Integralplus, Stratimagic and Jason modeling new technology, a new method for comprehensive and detailed three-dimensional quantitative characterization of reservoirs, the establishment of gas reservoir J2 s2 1, J2 s2 2, J2 s2 3, J2 s2 4 four sets of storage The three-dimensional reservoir reservoir parameters (porosity, permeability, water saturation) model with grid size of 20m × 20m × 1μs (2m) improve the accuracy of reservoir description and improve the original Reservoir prediction in the interwell interpolation deficiencies. It provides reasonable technical support for the reconstruction of various reservoirs in the Xiasha Miaoxi Gas Reservoirs and the rational utilization of proven reserves, which provides a reliable basis for the development and deployment of gas reservoirs.
近年来,人们对食品安全的关注度日益增加,怎样才能“买得安心,吃得放心”成为政府和消费者共同关心的大事。李克强总理在十三届全国人大一次会议所作的政府工作报告中明确提出,要“加快实现全程留痕、信息可追溯”。  据了解,早在2006年上海便率先在全国开展了“上海猪肉流通安全信息追溯体系”试点。随着科技的进步及智能手机、网络的普及,食品安全可追溯离消费者不再遥远,一个小小的二维码就能实现从源头、批发到零售