Regarding how to improve the work of hospitals, for a long time, we have repeatedly stressed that some principles, such as “increasing treatment rates”, “eliminating medical accidents”, “strengthening caring for the sick and wounded”, and “serving the sick and wounded people wholeheartedly”, are constantly emphasized. The call also decided that “the hospital’s work policy that focuses on medical care” should be used as a guideline for the hospital’s work. However, how to implement these principles and guidelines is still lacking concrete and effective measures. The result is that although it is shouting every day, it cannot be implemented in the actual work. Therefore, the improvement of the hospital’s work is not great and the effect is not high. There are still many problems in the work and they are not able to go to formality. Since the Soviet experts came to work in our hospital, they gradually introduced advanced advanced experience in the work of some Soviet hospitals. The first was a hospital in Beijing in 1950 by a Soviet expert