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喜马拉雅是由梵文而来,意指自雪之家。而在措如·才郎心目中这里不只是冰雪世界,它还蕴藏着智慧和灵性。身为西藏藏医学院院长的措如·才郎教授是当今藏医药的一代宗师,不仅在继承和发展藏医药方面作出了特殊的贡献,还是一位精通天文星算学、声明学、佛学、诗学、藏史学的学者和教育家。1926年措如·才郎出生在位于横断山脉金沙江畔的江达县措如村一个普通藏民家庭。他一生下来就不爱哭闹,始终甜甜微笑的样子给人们留下了最深的印象。措如·才郎3岁即有极强的辩识能力,5岁开始学习藏文,6岁能背诵经文,7岁到措如寺学习,到11岁时学习藏医藏药、天文历法和藏语语法。由于他过目不忘、在考试中名列前茅.因而受到寺里一位老藏医的喜爱,收他为徒。在老藏医的禅房里,措如·才郎认真聆昕老师的教诲,如饥似渴地学习了老师传授的藏医藏药知识。15岁的措如·才郎决心不仅读万卷书,还要行万里路,遍访名山大川、名寺古刹,向智慧大师们请教。此后2年间,他靠两条腿走遍了西藏大部分地区,还跨越喜马拉雅山远涉到锡金、不丹、印 Himalayan is from Sanskrit, meaning from the snow house. In the minds of talented people, not only the world of ice and snow, it also contains wisdom and spirituality. As a dean of the Tibet Tibetan Medical College, Professor Ge Lao Lang is a master of today’s Tibetan medicine. He not only made special contributions in inheriting and developing Tibetan medicine, but also was a master of astronomy and astrology, declarative science, Buddhism and poetry Learn, Tibet historians and educators. In 1926, for example, Tseng Lang was born in a common Tibetan family in Cho-ru village, Gangda County, located along the Jinsha River in the Hengduan Mountains. He did not love crying when he was born, and always gave people the deepest impression of being sweet and smiling. At the age of 3, for example, talented children have strong ability to recognize, begin to learn Tibetan at the age of 5, recite the scriptures at the age of 6, study at Zuosi Temple at the age of 7, study Tibetan medicine at the age of 11, Tibetan grammar. Because he had never forgotten, among the best in the exams, he was loved by an old Tibetan doctor in the temple and received him as an apostle. In the old Tibetan medicine practice room, Tseng Lang carefully listened to the teacher’s teachings and hungrily learned the knowledge of Tibetan medicine taught by the teacher. 15-year-old measures such as Tetsuro decided not only to read thousands of books, but also Wanli Lu, visit the mountains, temples, to the wisdom of the masters advice. In the next two years, he traveled by two legs in most parts of Tibet and across the Himalayas to Sikkim, Bhutan and India
口腔颌面部感染以金黄色葡萄球菌、溶血性链球菌、肺炎双球菌等多见,而产碱杆菌引起面部软组织坏死则不多见。我们遇到一例,现报告如下: Oral and maxillofacial infection
三一集团的信息化建设人们往往熟知其“E——SANY”计划,即通过信息技术融合人、财、物、流程、产品,进行数字化改造,而其在物联网领域的探索却少为人知。在现实的工业互联网技术运用的规划里,三一集团是要借助物联网技术实现对各地在役设备的24小时在线实时定位跟踪和健康监控,监视装备的作业情况和机器性能变化,预测预警事故的发生,出现故障及时报警,变被动维修为预防性维护的目的。  为此,三一集团早在2005
近年来儿童患多发性大动脉炎有增加的趋势,而且可见于婴儿。现报告我院收治的三例。 In recent years, children suffering from multiple arteritis have an increasing tre
一、法制建设是建立社会主义市场经济的内在要求在市场经济条件下 ,市场对资源配置起基础性作用 ,商品交换要遵循自愿、平等、等价有偿的原则 ,调整这种经济关系就必须要依靠
目的研究NaCl胁迫对银柴胡生长的影响效应及生理生化机制。方法通过盆栽试验,定期采样测定不同NaCl胁迫下银柴胡生长指标及生理生化指标。结果 0.3%NaCl胁迫对银柴胡生长没有
目的:评价自行设计的minTBP-1与IGF-1融合蛋白涂层修饰的纯钛表面对高糖高脂环境下成骨相关基因及蛋白表达的影响。方法:借助互联网Prot Param工具设计并筛选出亲水性较高的m