Contact opportunities Mercury mining, smelting and finished product manufacturing; Thermometers, barometers, polarography and other manufacturing and repair and use; rectifiers, quartz lamps and other electrical equipment manufacturing and maintenance; metallurgical industry with amalgam extraction gold, silver; chemical production In the use of mercury as a cathode electrolysis salt production of caustic soda and chlorine; production of mercury-containing drugs and reagents; plastic, dye industrial mercury as a catalyst; military production of mercury as detonating agent; stomatologist with silver amalgam fillings and so on. Toxicity Mercury is highly volatile at ambient temperatures. Immediately after splashing the ground or the table top, numerous small mercury droplets are formed, increasing the surface area for evaporation. Mercury vapor is also easily adsorbed by walls or clothing to form secondary mercury that continues to pollute the workplace air source. Under production conditions, metallic mercury enters the body mainly as a vapor in the respiratory tract, causing acute and chronic poisoning. Acute poisoning and more due to accidents caused by a large number of mercury vapor caused by the escape. Emergencies, dizziness, fatigue, fever and so on. More prominent symptoms of stomatitis, manifested as salivation, stench, gums redness aches, gray-black mercury line, and erosion bleeding, loose teeth. Tired