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寒假已经到来,目前正是学生易于流动的季节。根据我省过去两年的统计,高中学生的流动率为5.5%,初中为6.6%,小学也有2.5%,比例较全国各省为大。加上去年农村旱灾减产,流动程度可能更超过往年。如不及时注意这个问题,采取有效措施加以防止,不但影响国家教育事业计划的完成,浪费了国家的人力和资财,且将使学校工作不能正常地进行,而对流动学生的本人来说,也会引起学业的荒废,造成各方面不必要的损失。分析过去学生流动的原因,一则是由于国家建设事业的飞跃发展与农业合作化高潮的到来,吸收了一部分在学的知识青年;二则是由于农民每当遇到经济困难的时候,为了多挣几个工分,不惜让子女中途辍学,参加生产。而在各级教育行政部门、学校领导及教师方面对巩固现有学生与组织儿童入学的 The winter vacation has come. It is the season when students are easy to flow. According to the statistics of the province for the past two years, the flow rate of high school students is 5.5%, that of junior high schools is 6.6%, and that of primary schools is 2.5%, which is larger than the proportion of the provinces across the country. With last year’s drought reduction in rural areas, the level of mobility may be even more than in previous years. Failure to pay attention to this issue and take effective measures to prevent it will not only affect the completion of the national education program, but also waste the country’s manpower and financial resources, and it will prevent school work from proceeding normally. For the mobile students themselves, It will cause academic waste, resulting in unnecessary losses in all aspects. An analysis of the reasons for the flow of students in the past was caused by the rapid development of the national construction industry and the arrival of the climax of agricultural cooperation, which absorbed some young intellectuals who were studying, and the second because farmers had to earn more for economic difficulties. Several points, do not hesitate to let their children drop out of school, to participate in production. At all levels of education administrative departments, school leaders, and teachers, it is necessary to consolidate existing students and organize children’s education.
《幸存者》  李西闽著  万卷出版公司 2008.10  定价:23.00    作家李西闽是“5·12”汶川大地震的幸存者,他被埋了76个小时才被营救出来。在这本书中,他记录下了这次危难中的生死体验。为阅读方便,本刊将老猫的评《幸存者》的文章附在后边。    我在黑暗中感觉到自己的呼吸越来越沉重,压住我肋骨的钢筋似乎是压在我的心脏上,让我的心脏随时都有可能会爆炸。我突然觉得自己特别窝囊,怎么就被
在“柴油机及气轮机进展”杂志(环球版)的1971年1/2月份、3/4月份和1972年的3/4月份三期上,已介绍了热机研究所(SEMT)Pielstick PA6系列这种很有趣的发动机设计。它们的输出
一、中梁山隧道概况 襄渝线中梁山隧道全长3,984米,是中梁山脉的越岭隧道。设在3‰的人字坡上,除出口段376.7米是半径等于700米的曲线以外,其余3,607.3米均为为直线。隧道中
为了节约木材,解决座垫钢框磨碎海绵垫、割破人造革面布,提高座椅使用寿命等问题,我厂于1979年4月着手对硬座车座椅进行了设计改进。1980年4月起正式用于新造硬座车上。 新
据广东农业科学部門研究和实际生产結果,証明红萍是一种优良的夏季水生绿肥。培育紅萍作肥料的好处是: (1)生长快:在六月份的气温和湿度条件下,每三、四天产量翻一番。新会