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  公室的人际关系太烦人,家里琐事多没法专心工作,于是有的人就会寻找和开辟自己的third workplace(第三工作场所),它可以是提供无线网络的咖啡厅,也可以是与他人合租的写字楼开间,在那里没人认识你,你可以充分享受安静的空间。Adam看准了这个商机,做起了为他人提供第三工作场所的生意。
  Third Workplace
  Adam: Hey Brit, can I ask you a personal question? Well, it’s actually work related, so it’s not too personal.
  Britney: Sure. What’s on your mind?
  Adam: I, uh, decided to quit my job.
  Britney: Is everything alright?
  Adam: Yes and no. I was wondering if the company 1)scaled back your hours the same way they did mine.
  Britney: Yeah, they did. ①I was about to ask you if that was why you decided to cut and run.
  Adam: Ah, just as I suspected, which leads me to this follow up question: do you plan on sticking it out here or searching elsewhere for new and better opportunities?
  Britney: ②For the time being, I was basically just gonna keep my ear to the ground for any 2)rumblings. You know, bide my time till something better comes along.
  Adam: So no other offers pending?
  Britney: Not yet. Why? You got a new 3)gig for me?
  Adam: ③Well, I’ve been working on this little side project in my free time, and our shifts being cut gave me the kick-inthe-butt I needed to devote myself to this new endeavor.
  Britney: Alright, now I’m thoroughly 4)intrigued. Tell me more.
  Adam: Check this out. I’ve been looking into renting space at a third workplace.
  Britney: A third workplace? You mean having three jobs at one time?
  Adam: No, no, no. ④A third workplace gives you a flexible work environment with all the advantages of a professional office in convenient community locations, which is perfect for people on-thego, with open workspaces, private offices, and conference rooms equipped with the latest technology. Plus, you can rent by the hour or on a monthly basis, at significantly discounted rates.
  Britney: So, if you don’t have an office to go to, or have some hours to spare during the day, you can rent out space at one of these third workplaces.

  Adam: Simple, huh?
  Britney: And much easier than trying to get any work done at a coffee shop or lounge, cuz that’s next to impossible.
  Adam: That’s right. And just wait till you see it: lightning-fast WiFi, modern furniture, video conferencing, printing, highspeed copier, faxing, and even free refreshments. You get all the benefits of a professional office space without the commitment: no credit checks, and no leases.
随着人们生活水平的提高,中国已经从“自行车王国”跨进“汽车王国”,但驾驶员的技术素质和思想素质依然低下,开“英雄车”“霸道车”“霸王车”的现象在中国驾驶员中屡见不鲜,而由此导致的交通事故在中国是比任何疾病都更可怕的夺命“疾病”!如何有效地保障行车安全,成了如今中国人生活中不得不认真正视的重大问题。针对这一情况,Huan Hsu提出把汽车的喇叭跟刹车踏板连在一起,或设置让车主丢脸的喇叭录音,以解决鲁
流媒体(Streaming Media)是指采用流式传输的方式在Internet播放的媒体格式。流媒体又叫流式媒体,是边传边播的媒体,是多媒体的一种。它是指商家用一个视频传送服务器把节目当成数据包发出,传送到网络上。用户通过解压设备对这些数据进行解压后,节目就会像发送前那样显示出来。流媒体的出现极大地方便了人们的工作和生活。比如在地球的另一端,某大学的课堂上,某个教授正在兴致盎然地传授一门你喜欢的
摘要:母文化学养对跨文化交际具有十分重要的影响。事实证明,在同等情况下,母文化学养越深厚,跨文化交际的对象愈广,交际的题材愈宽,交际的融洽度愈高,交际的技能愈强。相反,对母文化教育的忽视,母文化学养肤浅,必然限制跨文化交际的能力。因而,在培养学生跨文化交际能力的过程中,应该给予母文化教育以应有的地位,使母文化教学在国家政策、人才培养方案以及教学实践中得到保证和落实。  关键词:母文化学养;跨文化交
Sindies 离异多金女  Meaning: Sindies are Single Income Now Divorced—high-earning females, often with children, back on the dating scene and looking for fun.  多个奢侈品牌都发现一个叫做“辛迪”的新生女性群体对性感物品的购买量剧增。“辛迪”(sindie
摘要:语法学家多把for fear that, lest, 以及某些情况下in case引导的从句归类为目的状语从句。本文旨在通过语义和例证分析论证 for fear that引导的从句为原因状语从句;lest和in case引导的从句在某些情况下亦应归类为原因状语从句。  关键词:for fear that,lest,in case目的状语从句;原因状语从句    Abstract: Most
摘要:英语谚语形象地反映出英语国家的价值观念,同时其鲜明的艺术性使学生易于接受。因此,英语教师通过谚语教学使学生吸取其有益部分是培养大学生品质素养的有效形式之一。  关键词:英语谚语;价值观;品质素养    Abstract: English proverbs vividly reflect the values of native English speakers. In addition, t
工作上有新项目要完成,先在朋友圈发一下,看看反馈。遇到困难需要解决办法,在朋友圈发帖求助,没准儿一会儿就有能帮忙的人出现。需要帮助的时候,人们越来越倾向于找通过电脑彼此连接的人帮忙。这就是朋友圈里的人脉关系,那么这种人脉关系跟传统意义上的向自己朋友咨询意见的方式和作用有什么不同,我们来听听Gordon怎么说。  Friendsourcing  Melanie: Hey, Gordon. ①Coul
美国独立日也就是美国国庆节,日期为7月4日,以纪念1776年7月4日大陆会议通过《独立宣言》。通过《独立宣言》的这一天成为美国人民永远纪念的节日。早期独立日的庆祝活动主要是游行和演讲,后来又增加了户外活动、体育比赛等项目。燃放爆竹、烟花等活动曾一度十分流行。  Independence Day  Independence Day is a huge celebration in the Unite
摘要 :“中国式英语”是怎么产生的? 中国学生的英语错误为什么都带有趋同性? 它们跟学习者的汉字背景有没有关系? 如果说德国哲学家茅特纳的“假如亚里斯多德说的是汉语或达可塔语,他的逻辑和范畴就会是另一个样子”的论断是正确的话,那么,汉字背景对中国人英语认知的影响又有多大呢? 作者仅就这些问题进行深入探讨。   关键词:“中国式英语”;汉字背景;英汉翻译     Abstract: How does