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档案向社会开放,是档案馆的基本任务之一。根据国务院国发[1986]67号文件精神和国家档案局制定的《档案馆开放档案暂行办法》的规定,我县档案馆请示县委县政府批准后,于1986年10月3日起,向社会开放了首批档案——土地证存根、土地房产所有证申请书、户口田亩榜、人口土地赋额登记表等。公民只要凭工作证或身份证,就能查阅这部分档案。从开放以来至今年7月底,共接待了187人次,为调解、处理村民的房产地产纠纷等矛盾和案件,提供了可靠的依据和凭证。档案馆向社会开放,对于我们来说是一个十分重大的新课题。除了档案开放前有大量基础工作需做外,还有一个对开放的思想认识问题。这个问题不解决,档案的开放工作就迈不开步子。我们对开放的认识,也是有一个过程的,在这认识过程中,主要解决了两个问题。 Archives open to the public, is one of the basic tasks of the archives. According to the document issued by the State Council [1986] No. 67 and the Provisional Measures for Opening Archives for Archives, formulated by the State Archives Bureau, upon request from the county and county governments for approval, the archives of our county, from October 3, 1986, Open the first batch of archives - land certificate stubs, land real estate all kinds of card applications, account acres list, population land quota registration form. As long as citizens with a work permit or ID card, you can access this part of the file. From the opening up to the end of July this year, a total of 187 people have been received, providing a sound basis and evidence for the conciliation and handling of contradictions and cases among villagers in real estate and property disputes. Archives open to the community, for us, is a very significant new topic. Apart from a large amount of basic work to be done before the file opening up, there is also an open question of thinking. If this problem is not resolved, the opening up of the archives will not be opened to the public. There is also a process in our understanding of opening up. In this process of understanding, we have mainly solved two problems.
现在,谁干得好谁干得多,只要到电脑上查看一下就知道了,评价一个人也有了标准,不再是凭印象了。 Now, who did a good job who did a lot, just look at the computer to kn