1961年11月6日傍晚,辽东半岛城子疃碧流河下游的村庄和往常一样,逐渐地亮起了点点灯火。突然,几千米外我驻军某部阵地上的探照灯光柱刺破夜空,交织在碧流河口上空。在探照灯光柱的交叉处,一架敌机正迅速右转下滑,企图逃窜。霎时,高炮阵地火光骤起,众炮齐发。突然,敌机扭头向东一拐,机身倾斜,油箱爆炸,带着一团火球,发出刺耳的啸声,坠向碧流河东岸。11月8日,《人民日报》在头版显著位置刊登消息:一架美制蒋空军 P2V 型飞机,6日晚上窜扰我辽东半岛
On the evening of November 6, 1961, the villages on the lower reaches of the Bijuu River in the suburb of Liaodong Peninsula gradually lit up the lights as usual. Suddenly, a few kilometers away I was garrisoned on the ground of the searchlight column pierced the night sky, intertwined in the Bi stream estuary. At the crossing of the searchlights, an enemy plane is rapidly turning right and descending in an attempt to flee. In an instant, the anti-aircraft artillery fire suddenly rises and the artillery pieces strike together. Suddenly, the enemy plane turned its head to the east and leaned inwards, the tank exploded, with a ball of fire and a shrill whistling sound that plunged to the east bank of the Biliuhe River. On November 8, “People’s Daily” published a notice on the front page in a prominent position: a U.S.-made Chiang Kai-shek P2V plane flew me to the Liaodong Peninsula on the evening of the 6th