该文所关注的是美国医院处方服务署(AHFS)编写的、每年出版一次的《药物信息》“Drug Information”以及每年公布一次的美国市场上最热销的前200位(200top drugs or 300 top drugs)。本文(Ⅰ)部分所关注的是2000年-2009年中10年间美国市场最热销的前200位药品(200 top drugs)中所涉及的抗感染药品(包括:抗微生物药、抗病毒药、抗真菌药和疫苗等),以及这些药物在临床使用中的演变。列入此10年间的Top200药物中的抗感染药品有35种:即大环内脂类有4种,磺胺类有1种,喹诺酮类有5种,青霉素类有2种,四环素类有3种,头孢菌素类有5种,抗病毒类有5种,抗真菌类有5种,氨基糖苷类1种,抗厌氧菌与原虫类等4种。这对于我国当前的医疗制度改革与促进抗菌药物的合理使用提供了可靠的参考依据。
This article focuses on the annual Drug Information published by the U.S. Department of Hospitals Prescription Services (AHFS) and published annually on the top 200 most popular US markets, 200top drugs or 300 top drugs). This section (I) focuses on anti-infectives (including: antimicrobials, antivirals, anti-virals, anti-virals, Antifungals and vaccines, etc.) and the evolution of these drugs in clinical use. Among the top 200 anti-infectives included in this decade, there are 35 anti-infectives: 4 macrocyclic lipids, 1 sulfonamide, 5 quinolones, 2 penicillins and 3 tetracyclines , 5 kinds of cephalosporins, 5 kinds of anti-virus, 5 kinds of anti-fungi, 1 kinds of aminoglycosides, 4 kinds of anti-anaerobic bacteria and protozoa. This provides a reliable reference for the current reform of the medical system in our country and promotion of rational use of antimicrobial agents.