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叶圣陶先生的语文教育思想是一座博大精深的宝库,随着时代的发展越来越显现出它特有的价值。91岁高龄的张田若先生是我国著名语文教育专家,他曾经与叶老共事多年,对叶老的语文教育思想有着深入的研究。为了一线教师能更好地理解掌握叶老语文教育思想,他不顾年迈,选编了《叶圣陶关于小学自主读写教学论述》供老师们学习。本刊将陆续刊登书中内容,希望对老师们有所帮助。 Mr. Ye Shengtao’s Chinese education is an extensive and profound treasure house. With the development of the times, it has become more and more revealing its unique value. 91-year-old Mr. Zhang Tianruo is a famous Chinese language education expert, he has worked with Ye for many years, has a deep study of Ye Lao’s Chinese education. In order for front line teachers to better understand and master the Ye Lao Chinese education thought, he ignored the old age and compiled “Ye Shengtao’s teaching discussion on independent reading and writing in primary schools” for teachers to learn. The publication will be published in the book content, hoping to help the teachers.
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