2004年10月10日,记者来到地处秦巴山区的陕西省白河县卡子镇友爱村民兵指导员岳发祥家,他刚从各组检查退耕还林回来,作为县人大代表,他道出了农民的心声—— “‘中央一号文件’出台后,群众都拍手叫好,看到了今后农村发展的希望。” “从目前看,最弱的是农业,最穷的是农村,最苦的是农民。农村问题很多,突出地表现为:农业难以增效,农村发展滞后,农民难以增收。”
On October 10, 2004, the reporter came to Yue Fa Xiang, an advisor to the militia at Friendship Village, Kazi Town, Shirakawa County, Shaanxi Province, where he just returned from returning farmland to forest. As a representative of the county people’s congress, he came out Farmers’ Voice - “After the publication of the” Central One Document, “the masses applauded and saw the hope for rural development in the future.” "For now, the weakest are agriculture, the poorest are rural areas, the most bitter is Peasants: There are many problems in rural areas, which are highlighted by the fact that agriculture is hard to increase efficiency, the rural development lags behind and farmers are hard to increase their incomes.