为展示重型机械行业 5 0年来的发展历程和光辉业绩 ,扩大此行业的国际交流 ,经中华人民共和国对外贸易经济合作部批准 ,由中国重型机械工业协会和中国国际企业合作公司联合主办的“’99中国国际冶金、矿山、锻压、起重运输技术及设备博览会”11月 5日至 7日在北京展览馆隆重举?
In order to demonstrate the development course and brilliant performance of the heavy machinery industry in the past 50 years and expand the international exchange in this industry, the “China Heavy Machinery Industry Association and China International Enterprise Cooperation Co., Ltd. Jointly sponsored by China National Heavy Machinery Industry Association and approved by the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation of the People ’ 99 China International Metallurgy, Mining, Forging, Crane Technology and Equipment Expo ”November 5 to 7 in the Beijing Exhibition Hall solemnly held?