21世纪的当代中国正经历着一场前所未有的沧桑巨变。变革给神州大地带来全方面的冲击和涤荡,而首当其冲的就是中国的企业界,作为国民经济支柱的国有企业正经历着一场深刻而痛苦的“涅磐”。在这场“阵痛”和“洗礼”面前,有的不思进取,萎缩不前;有的沿袭老路,败下阵来;而那些审时度势的有胆有识之士,正顺应时代的潮流,克服重重困难与阻力,将国有企业带上变法图强的光明大道。 中国石化股份有限公司齐鲁分公司储运厂(以下简称为齐鲁储运厂)就是这样一个优秀的时代弄潮儿。它像那只暴风雨中的海燕,在变革大潮的风口浪尖上,搏击风云,直面挑战。它的变革时间虽然尚短,但变革成果已经凸显,它的变革之火已经点燃,正在熊熊燃起,越烧越旺,不仅温暖了储运厂几千名员工久已沉寂的心灵,更为国有企业的变革照亮了探索前行之路。
In the 21st century, contemporary China is experiencing an unprecedented vicissitudes. The changes brought all kinds of shocks and cleanliness to the land of China, and the first thing to suffer was the Chinese business community. The state-owned enterprises that are the pillar of the national economy are experiencing a profound and painful “nirvana”. In front of this “labor pain” and “baptism,” some are not making progress and shrinking; some follow the old road and defeat the front; and those courageous and insightful people who are judging the times are in line with the trend of the times and overcome the tide of the times. Difficulties and obstacles will bring state-owned enterprises to a bright road ahead of the reforms. Sinopec Corp. Qilu Branch Storage and Transportation Plant (hereinafter referred to as the Qilu Storage and Transportation Plant) is such an excellent era. It is like the stormy Haiyan, fighting against the wave of changes in the tide, facing the challenge, facing the challenge. Although its transformation time is still short, the results of its transformation have been highlighted. Its fire of change has ignited, and it is burning and prosperous. It not only warms the heart of the thousands of employees in the storage and transportation plant that have been quiet for a long time, but is more state-owned. The transformation of the company illuminates the road to exploration.