1 Introduction Liquid crystal display (LCD) since the advent of the 70s of the last century, has now been widely used. The structure shown in Figure 1. LCD panel is composed of multi-layer film. In order to improve the picture quality of the LCD, an optical film must be used. For example, a brightness enhancement film, a diffusion film and the like are required to improve the brightness. In the production, processing, transport, in order to protect these optical films are not damaged, the surface must be affixed with a protective film. Can be seen from Figure 2, the brightness of the film surface roughness of dozens of microns, the diffusion film surface roughness of several microns. As the contact area is small, the general protective film on this surface is very difficult to stick firmly, there must be strong adhesive protective film Caixing. Japan’s Sekisui Chemical Industry Corporation abundance grams Code and so on the optical film with strong adhesive protective film performance, pressure-sensitive adhesive resin design and the company’s new product performance were introduced.