After the kingdom of high car (also known as Gaochang) collapsed in the first half of the 7th century AD, by the late Emperor Xue Yan Tuo, In the process, he tried several times to get rid of the Turks and Tang dynasties. Between 628 and 646 AD, the leader of Yon-Sen Sinko led the Japanese men to cooperate with the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China to establish their own country on the vast Mobei land between Jinshan (now Altai) and the Autonomous Region (now the Tula River). From 632 onwards, this Khanate used to invade the borders of the Tang and Turkic Khanates. Between AD 660 and 663, the Anti-Tang Riot was once again set off by the Ministry of Education. From 713 to 742, the Ministry of Rehabilitation formed an alliance with Geluo Lu and Berthelli and other departments to jointly resist the rule of the Turkic Khanate. At that time, this tribal coalition received the support of the Tang government because the greatest threat to the Tang Dynasty came from the Turkic Khanate. During this period, the Hui Hui part of the cloth in Xian E River (also known as Ling Mausoleum