An online method to determine chlorine stable isotope composition by continuous flow isotope ratio m

来源 :Journal of Central South University | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tiaozhanwudeshou
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An online method using continuous flow isotope ratio mass spectrometry (CF-IRMS) interfaced with a Gasbench Ⅱ was presented to determine chlorine stable isotope composition. Silver chloride (AgCl) was quantitatively derived from chloride by using silver nitrate (AgNO3), and then was reacted with iodomethane (CH3I) to produce methyl chloride (CH3Cl). A GasBench Ⅱ equipped with a PoraPlot Q column was used to separate CH3Cl from any other gas species. Finally, chlorine stable isotope analysis was carried out on CH3Cl introduced to the IRMS in a helium stream via an active open split. The minimum amount of Cl used in this method is of the order of 1.4μmol. Inter-laboratory and inter-technique comparisons show that the total uncertainty incorporating both the precision and accuracy of this method is better than 0.007%. Furthermore, ten seawaters sampled from different locations have a narrow δ 37 Cl value range from -0.008% to 0.010%, with a mean value of (0.000±0.006)%. This supports the assumption that any seawater can be representative of standard mean ocean chloride (SMOC) and used as an international reference material. An online method using continuous flow isotope ratio mass spectrometry (CF-IRMS) interfaced with a Gasbench II was presented to determine chlorine stable isotope composition. Silver chloride (AgCl) was quantitatively derived from chloride by using silver nitrate (AgNO3), and then was reacted with iodomethane (CH3I) to produce methyl chloride (CH3Cl). A GasBench II equipped with a PoraPlot Q column was used to separate CH3Cl from any other gas species. Finally, chlorine stable isotope analysis was carried out on CH3Cl introduced to the IRMS in a minimum amount of Cl used in this method is of the order of 1.4 μmol. Inter-laboratory and inter-technique comparisons show that the total uncertainty incorporating both the precision and accuracy of this method is better than 0.007%. Also, ten seawaters sampled from different locations have a narrow δ 37 Cl value range from -0.008% to 0.010% with a mean value of (0.000 ± 0.006)%. This suppor ts the assumption that any seawater can be representative of standard mean ocean chloride (SMOC) and used as an international reference material.
本研究目的旨在回顾性调查子宫输卵管造影(HSG)正常的不孕妇女临床过程,以确定生殖结果和评价继HSG后使用腹腔镜(LSC)的诊断价值。 1986年至1991年,在美国达拉斯市的得克萨
X;15号染色体平衡易位较为罕见,国内仅见有4篇报道。作者发现一例核型为46,X,t(X;15)(q22;q26)的原发性闭经患者,其核型和表型与上述报道的有所不同,现报告如下。 X; chrom
患儿,男,4.5个月。以发热1天伴全身皮肤血瘢,呕吐2次急诊入院。3个月前曾患支气管性肺炎治愈出院。查体:T36.3℃,P200次/分,R 74次/分,烦燥气促,面色青灰,口唇发绀,全身皮肤