Ginsenoside Re Increases Fertile and Asthenozoospermic Infertile Human Sperm Motility by Induction o

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The motility is essential to the capacity of human sperm fertilization. Poor sperm motility is considered to be the most likely reason for male infertility. Ginsenosides, the biologically effective component of ginseng, have recently been shown to increase human sperm motility in vitro. The aim of this study is to further investigate the effects of Ginsenoside Re on human sperm motility in fertile and asthenozoospermic infertile The motility is essential to the capacity of human sperm fertilization. Poor sperm motility is considered to be the most likely reason for male infertility. Ginsenosides, the biologically effective component of ginseng, have recently been shown to increase human sperm motility in vitro. The aim of this study is to further investigate the effects of Ginsenoside Re on human sperm motility in fertile and asthenozoospermic infertile
盛夏 7月,我和贵州省消防协会考察团的同志们飞赴“一衣带水”的邻邦日本学习考察,短短十天,所见所闻虽浮光掠影,却感触良多。 无处不在的消防   到了日本,无论在城市和农村,你都
我院1990年5月至1999年5月共收治急性重度有机磷中毒病人56例,现将救治体会介绍如下。1 临床资料 56例重度中毒病人男21例,女35例。2例经皮肤吸收中毒,54例口服中毒。引起中
今年 7月 18日,辽宁省期刊协会组织省内 7家期刊社的总编们赴西欧 8国法国、卢森堡、比利时、荷兰、德国、奥地利、意大利、梵蒂冈进行为期 15天的考察,所到之处感触颇深,现撷取
面对云南 ,我们能说什么呢?我们号称“旅游大省” ,但我们的旅游收入与云南不可同日而语 ,我们只能看着云南在动情地不可遏止地“燃烧” ,而我们是否在光亮的映照下 ,能找出一
舒降之是目前已知的 3 羟基 3 甲基戊二酰辅酶A(HMG CoA)还原酶抑制剂中作用较强的一种。1995年 8月~ 1997年 6月 ,我们使用舒降之治疗老年高脂血症 58例 ,取得满意疗效 ,报道如下。1
New analogues of green fluorescent protein(GFP)chromophore mGFP-Cn(n=1,3,5,11)with alkyl chains of different lengths in the imidazolinone rings were synthesized