200余年前,英国医生 William Withering 化了整整十年时间,精心观察和研究了洋地黄的药理和临床应用,于1785年7月1日出版了一本207页的专著——An Account of theFoxglove and Some of lts Medical Uses。200年来通过洋地黄的广泛应用以及随着科学的发展,对洋地黄作用机理的研究已进入到细胞和亚细胞生物化学的阶段,心肌细胞电生理学研究的开展又将对洋地黄作用的研究提高到新的水平。尽管如此,目前对洋地黄的研究远未到达完美的程度。在纪念 William Withering 的有关洋地黄的专著发表200周年之际,美国心脏病学会杂志专门出了一期增刊,综述了有关洋地黄的研究近况。本刊将其中几篇比较重要的文章摘译刊出,以供读者们参考。
More than 200 years ago, the British doctor William Withering took a full decade to elaborate and study the pharmacology and clinical application of digitalis. On July 1, 1785, he published a 207-page monograph - An Account of the Foxglove and Some of lts Medical Uses. 200 years through the extensive application of digitalis and with the development of science, the study of the mechanism of digitalis has entered the cell and subcellular biochemistry stage, the electrophysiological study of myocardial cells in turn will increase the study of digitalis To a new level In spite of this, the current research on digitalis is far from perfect. In commemoration of the 200th anniversary of the publication of William Withering’s monograph on digitalis, the American College of Cardiology featured a special supplement that summarizes current research on digitalis. The magazine will be several of the more important article excerpt published for readers reference.