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2016年6月3日,国家发改委发布了《长江三角洲城市群发展规划》。长三角城市群以上海为核心,包括江苏9个城市、浙江8个城市和安徽8个城市等26个城市组成,是我国经济最具活力、开放程度最高、创新能力最强的区域之一,是“一带一路”与长江经济带的重要交汇地带,在国家现代化建设大局和全方位开放格局中具有举足轻重的战略地位,现正处于转型提升创新发展的关键阶段,抓住重大机遇,实现更大跨越,将成为我国经济社会发展的战略支撑。2004年国家发改委就开始编制长三角区域规划,提出打造世界第六大城市群,十几年来,江浙沪皖发展强劲,各具优势,尤其是企业的发展具有独特的发展模式,形成了成熟的发展经验,起到示范导引的作用。为了推动长三角区域经济的联动发展,宣传长三角企业转型提升、创新发展的成效和经验,《上海企业》杂志将从本期起设立《长三角纵横》专栏重点关注和报道江浙沪皖企业的典型经验、重大信息和动态,冀盼广大读者予以关注。 June 3, 2016, the National Development and Reform Commission released the “Yangtze River Delta urban agglomeration development plan.” The Yangtze River Delta urban agglomeration, with Shanghai as the core, consists of 26 cities including 9 cities in Jiangsu, 8 cities in Zhejiang and 8 cities in Anhui. It is one of the regions with the most dynamic economy, the highest degree of openness and the strongest innovation ability in China. Is an important convergence zone between the “Belt and Road” and the Yangtze River Economic Belt. It plays an important strategic position in the overall situation of national modernization and the opening-up in an all-round way. It is now at a crucial stage of transformation and upgrading and innovation. It seizes major opportunities and realizes A larger leap forward will become a strategic support for China’s economic and social development. In 2004, the NDRC started to compile the Yangtze River Delta regional planning and put forward to building the sixth largest urban agglomeration in the world. Over the past decade, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Anhui and Anhui have enjoyed strong growth and have their respective advantages. In particular, their development has a unique mode of development and a mature Development experience, play a role in guiding the model. In order to promote the coordinated development of the Yangtze River Delta regional economy and publicize the effectiveness and experience of Yangtze River Delta enterprises in upgrading, innovation and development, “Shanghai Enterprise” magazine will set up the “Yangtze River Delta” column from this issue to focus on and report Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Shanghai and Anhui enterprises Typical experience, major information and dynamics, I hope the majority of readers to pay attention.