补连塔煤矿是盛开在“—代天娇”——成吉思汗陵所在地一朵娇艳的文明花。 补连塔煤矿从1997年10月投产至今,累计生产原煤1500多万吨;百万吨死亡率远远低于国家控制指标,未发生任何重大事故;1998年至2001年连续4年实现盈利,上缴国家利税1亿多元;创日产原煤36018吨的全国先进水平;全员工效达4.05吨/工,直接工效达353吨/工;井巷、土建、安装三类工程的合格率均为100%,优良品率分别为80%、85%和90%;质量标准化工作名
The Boluota Coal Mine is a blossoming flower of civilized flowers that is in full bloom in “Daitian Jiao”, the seat of the Genghis Khan Mausoleum. Since the Bulianta Coal Mine was put into production in October 1997, it has cumulatively produced more than 15 million tons of raw coal; the death rate per million tons was far below the national control index and no major accidents occurred; from 1998 to 2001, it achieved profit for four consecutive years. The national profits and taxes were turned over to more than 100 million yuan; the country’s advanced level of 36,018 tons of raw coal per day was created; the total employee effectiveness was 4.05 tons per worker, and the direct work efficiency was 353 tons per worker; the pass rate for alleys, civil works, and installations was 100. %, excellent product rates were 80%, 85% and 90% respectively; quality standardization work name