有人估计。我国吸烟的人数在3亿以上,而且出现有增无减的趋势,许多中学生也偷偷地加入了这个庞大的队伍。洋烟已摆满了大街小巷,到处可见浓烟袅袅。在许多公共场所,烟民们嘴上刁着烟间聊着,尤其当几个年轻人聚在一起时更是烟雾弥漫,害人不浅。吸烟的手已成为一种时髦、抽洋烟更成了摆阔气、讲派头的一种自我表现。那些打交道、办事情、搞公关、谈事务者都是烟字当头。殊不知吸烟有害,连卷烟厂也供认不讳,烟盒上也印上有害字样。但是,不知道为什么还要明知故犯,烟厂大量生产着,吸烟者照吸不误,给自己、给旁人、给社会造成了极大的危害,烟是一种有百害而无一利的东西。 烟是用烟草经烘烤,加上玉米叶、玉米芯、杆及其他植物茎叶加工而成的。除烟叶外的这些附加物是为了控制香烟的燃烧,使其不
Someone estimates. The number of smokers in our country is over 300 million, and there is an increasing trend. Many middle school students also secretly joined this huge contingent. Smoke has been filled with the streets, smoke curl everywhere. In many public places, smokers chatted about cigarette smokes, especially when several young people gathered together. Smoking hand has become a fashionable, extravagant smoke has become more ambiguous, a self-expression of style. Those dealing with, doing things, engage in public relations, talk about the affairs of those who smoke are the words. Everyone knows that smoking is harmful, even the cigarette factory is also confessed, but also printed on the cigarette box harmful words. However, I do not know why I have to know the guilty, that the tobacco factories are mass-produced and that the smokers take the correct pictures to themselves and to others and cause great harm to the society. Tobacco is roasted with tobacco, processed with corn leaves, corn cobs, rods and other plant stems and leaves. These additions to tobacco leaves are intended to control the burning of cigarettes so that they do not