甘薯茎螟(Omphisa illisalis Walker)在福建南部的甘茹产区,对甘薯为害率一般达30%以上,其严重性仅次于甘薯象虫(Cylas fonuicarius Fab.)。该害虫在福建一年发生5代,以老熟幼虫在薯茎基部或薯块中越冬,翌年4月中旬开始羽化。成虫寿命一般约为3—7天,且因其常栖息在浓密的薯叶阴蔽处,趋光性极弱,故平时难于发现。 作者于1960年4月在晋江县安海乡,同年8月在漳浦县港口大队进行了两性引诱作
Omantha stem borer (Omphisa illisalis Walker) in southern Fujian Fujian Ganru region, the damage rate of sweet potato generally more than 30%, the severity of second only to sweet potato insects (Cylas fonuicarius Fab.). The pest occurs in Fujian five generations a year to mature larvae in the base of potato or potato block in winter, the beginning of the following year in mid April emergence. Adult life expectancy is generally about 3-7 days, and because of its habitat in thick potato shade, the phototropism is very weak, it is usually difficult to find. The author was in April 1960 in Anhai Township, Jinjiang County, in August the same year in Zhangpu County Port Brigade conducted a seduction for both sexes