
来源 :天津农业科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:basilmhb
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六、定植后的管理 (一) 因地制宜地适时适量地浇水并做好排水工作新栽韭菜因根系大量损伤,所以韭菜定植后应及时浇“稳苗水”,以促进缓苗。浇“稳苗水”后5-6天即应浇“缓苗水”,以满足根系发育和生长所必要的土壤水分。浇“稳苗水”后在表土呈松散状态时应及时中耕2-3次,以便蹲苗。如当年夏季定植者,由于正值雨季,所以缓苗后浇水应根据降雨情况灵活掌握,如过于干旱应适当浇水。如春季定植者,蹲苗后仍应继续浇水,以达到催苗的目的。但到夏至节前后即应停水蹲苗以免雨季塌秧。到处署节前后,平均气温一般在 Sixth, the management after planting (A) appropriate amount of timely and appropriate watering and drainage work New planted chives due to a large number of root damage, so chives should be promptly poured after planting “steady seedling water” to promote Huanmiao. Watering “steady water” after 5-6 days that should be poured “Huanmiao water” to meet the needs of root development and growth of soil moisture. After pouring “steady seedling water”, it should cultivate 2-3 times in time when the topsoil is loose, so as to squat seedlings. For example, when the summer planting season, due to positive rainy season, so after the Huanmiao watering should be based on rainfall flexibility, such as excessive drought should be properly watering. Such as spring planting, after squatting seedlings should continue to watering, in order to achieve the purpose of reminder Miao. However, before and after the summer solstice that should stop without watering Dunmiao seedlings fall season. Before and after the festival everywhere, the average temperature in general
[摘 要]目的 了解昆明小白鼠自发性肺肿瘤的发生率、大体形态、组织学类型及生物学特性。方法 共解剖本所繁殖的封闭群小鼠1000只,从各肺叶、气管、肺门淋巴结、心、肝、脾和脑
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广东省农科院植保所和轻工业部甘蔗糖业科学研究所为了解决甘蔗螟虫防治问题,共同于1979年在番禺县鱼窝头公社应用呋喃丹、杀虫脒、杀虫净和拟 Plant Protection Institute