Multidimensional assessment of neuro-psychiatric symptoms in patients with low-grade hepatic encepha

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zyyhky
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AIM: To evaluate the feasibility of a new clinical rating scale for a standardized assessment of cirrhosis-associated neuro-psychiatric symptoms. METHODS: Forty patients with liver cirrhosis (LC, with or without low-grade hepatic encephalopathy) were investigated using a clinical neuro-psychiatric rating scale based on a comprehensive list of neurological, psychomotor, cognitive, affective, behavioral symptoms, and symptoms of disturbed bioregulation. RESULTS: The analysis revealed that the majority of cirrhotic patients showed, besides characteristic neurological symptoms of hepatic encephalopathy, various psychomotor, affective and bioregulatory symptoms (disturbed sleep and sexual dysfunction). Patients were impaired in the following subscales: sleep and biorhythm disorder (75.0% of patients), Parkinsonoid symptoms (25.0%), affective symptoms (17.5%), and psychomotor retardation (12.5%). The increase of total neuro-psychiatric clinical score was significantly associated with the degree of hepatic encephalopathy. CONCLUSION: This study suggests that a substantial number of patients with LC and low-grade hepatic encephalopathy manifest various clinical neuro-psychiatric symptoms. The use of a rating scale, which explores clinical dimensions of hepatic encephalopathy, would improve the management of patients with LC. METHODS: Forty patients with liver cirrhosis (LC, with or without low-grade hepatic encephalopathy) were investigated using a clinical neuro -psychiatric rating scale based on a comprehensive list of neurological, psychomotor, cognitive, affective, behavioral symptoms, and symptoms of disturbed bioregulation. RESULTS: the analysis revealed that the majority of cirrhotic patients showed, besides characteristic neurological symptoms of hepatic encephalopathy, various psychomotor , patients with impaired in the following subscales: sleep and biorhythm disorder (75.0% of patients), Parkinsonoid symptoms (25.0%), affective symptoms (17.5%), and psychomotor retardation 12.5%). The increase of total neuro-psychiatric clinical score was significantly associated with the deg The use of a rating scale, which explores clinical dimensions of hepatic encephalopathy, would improve the management of patients with LC.
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