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徽州土著山越人,性情剽悍,粗扩豪放,劳动之余或收获得之际,常以舞蹈自娱。东汉以后,中原汉人大量南迁,作为民众文化生活的一种独特形式,游艺活动不仅没有消失,反而得到了发展,其影响大大超越了其地域的限制,达到了一个新的水平。到明清时期,民间游艺蓬勃发展,呈现出形式多、规模大、地域广、历史长等特点。这一时期游艺形式,有祭祀性和娱乐性两种。祭祀性是配合祭祀活动而表演的,如傩舞、跳童和仗鼓舞等。娱乐性的多在节日或农闲时演出,载歌载舞,具有浓郁 Huizhou native mountain more people, temperament swagger, bold bold enlargement, the remainder of the work or harvest, often to dance entertain. Since the Eastern Han Dynasty, a large number of Han Chinese in the Central Plains moved southward. As a unique form of popular cultural life, the recreational activities not only disappeared, but developed instead. Their influence greatly exceeded their geographical limits and reached a new level. By the Ming and Qing Dynasties, folk entertainment flourished, showing many characteristics, large scale, wide area and long history. During this period entertainment form, there are two sacrificial and entertaining. Sacrificial sex is performed in conjunction with sacrificial activities, such as dancing, jumping, and drumming. Entertainment and more in the festival or slack show, singing and dancing, with rich
摘 要:制图课程在室内设计专业中是一门重要的主干基础课程。为了让学生更好地掌握制图技能,可以在课程中引入项目教学方法。这种教学方法不仅具有一定的科学性,还能够将理论与实践相结合,提高学生学习的积极性和兴趣,达到更努力学习专业技能的目的,特别从职业教育的特点出发,能有效加强学生操作技能,提高其创造能力。但这种教学方法,对教师的专业技能以及教学要求也更高。从而促使老师主动提升教学水准和专业技能。所以,