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为了进一步适应我省经济发展和改革的需要,调动各级政府增收节支的积极性,逐步理顺省与市(地、州)的财政分配关系,促进全省国民经济和社会事业协调发展,省政府决定从2000年1月1日起,在维持现行省与市(地、州)事权划分的基础上,调整省与市(地、州)财政管理体制。一、调整省与市(地、州)的财政收入范围,实行税收分享按照事权与财权相结合和“维持既得利益,实行增量调整”的原则,在中央与地方财政分税制的基础上,划分税种,实行省与市(地、州)部分税收分享,并重新确定省与市(地、州)财政收入范围和税收分享比例。具体划分如下:(一)省级财政固定收入:金融保险业营业税(地方部分); In order to further adapt to the needs of economic development and reform in our province, mobilize the enthusiasm of governments at all levels to increase income and reduce expenditure, and gradually rationalize the fiscal distribution relations between provinces and municipalities (prefectures and prefectures) and promote the coordinated development of the national economy and social undertakings in the province. The government decided that from January 1, 2000, the provincial and municipal (prefectural and prefectural) fiscal management systems should be adjusted on the basis of maintaining the division of powers between the current provinces and cities (prefectures and prefectures). First, adjust the province and city (prefecture) revenue range, the implementation of tax revenue in accordance with the combination of power and financial rights and , Divide the taxes, implement the tax sharing between provinces and municipalities (prefectures and prefectures), and redetermine the scope of fiscal revenue and tax sharing ratio between provinces and cities (prefectures and prefectures). The specific division is as follows: (A) provincial financial fixed income: financial insurance business tax (local part);
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