
来源 :中国钓鱼 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:rowhwafo
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晚秋,冷空气不断南下,倘遇一次骤冷,温度下降到零度左右,便是钓鳗的好机会。几点体会是: 钓点:天气骤冷,分散在淡水中的河鳗,到处乱窜,它们要寻找暖和处避一避寒潮,木、竹排下,是它们高度集中聚群的地方,它们要接近木、竹贴身取暖,木、竹排下以水深1.5米的地方鳗鱼最多,所以木、竹排下是钓鳗鱼的好钓点。 诱饵:鳗鱼系肉食性鱼类,嗜食动物的尸体,腥臭可诱来大批鳗鱼。用大米拌发臭的动物血,晒 Late autumn, the cold air continues south, in case of a sudden cooling, the temperature dropped to about zero, it is a good opportunity for angling. Some experience is: fishing spots: the weather was cold, scattered in the freshwater river eels, scurrying everywhere, they want to find a warm place to avoid the cold, wood, bamboo row, is their highly concentrated place, they want Close to the wood, bamboo personal heating, wood, bamboo shoots to the depth of 1.5 meters where the most eel, so wood, bamboo shoots is a good fishing spots fishing eel. Bait: Eel carnivorous fish, animals addicted to the body, fishy can lure a large number of eels. Smelly animal hair with rice, drying
四面山的水秀媚、静幽。 四面山的瀑雄奇、美观。 四面山苍茫林海的翡翠世界中,镶嵌着十几泓晶莹的澄湖。有的像明镜,有的似新月,有的宛若纤折的玉带…… 每一位游人无不为
Wu Lizhu, 54, of Changli. Hebei Province, is a graduate of the department of traditional Chinese painting at the Central Institute of Fine Arts. Her teachers h
凡到四面山的人,都是为了领略她原始、古朴、野趣迷人的自然景观。而我到四面山,一半是观景,一半是为品尝那诱人的山野小吃。 早就听朋友介绍。四面山有独特的乡谷味浓的山
This exquisite bronze object is a combination wine container and water container. It was excavated from the tomb of Zeng Houyi, a prince of the State of Zeng.
当石匠打开一尊巨岩时,里面的东西让他不禁大吃一惊:那有鼻子有眼的东西不是人么? 他吓得撒腿就跑,一口气跑了好远好远,突然想起那个人还戴着一顶帽子,一个灵念跟着蹦了出来:
1. HAVING eaten labazhou, a kind of rice porridge with nuts and dried fruit eaten on the eighth day of the twelfth lunar month, the Spring Festival was fast ap