儿童营养状况,不仅关系到儿童的健康与生长发育,而且对儿童的智力发展也很重要。营养不良严重危害婴幼儿身心健康,其病因复杂,是当前儿童保健工作中的重要课题。现将1996年以来我院儿童保健门诊系统管理中112例营养不良儿病因作一回顾性分析,以期对预防有所帮助。 临床资料 1.一般资料:本组112例,男52例,女60例,年龄42d22例,~3个月20例,~6个月18例,~9个月17例,~12个月21例,~3岁14例。 2.临床表现:按照《实用儿科学》小儿营养不良
Children’s nutritional status, not only related to children’s health and growth, but also for children’s intellectual development is also important. Malnutrition seriously endanger the physical and mental health of infants and young children, its etiology is complex, is an important issue in the current child health care work. Now in our hospital since 1996, 112 cases of malnutrition in children’s health out-patient management system for a retrospective analysis, in order to help prevent. Clinical data 1. General information: The group of 112 cases, 52 males and 60 females, aged 42d22 cases, ~ 3 months in 20 cases, ~ 6 months in 18 cases, ~ 9 months in 17 cases, ~ 12 months 21 For example, ~ 3 years old in 14 cases. 2. Clinical manifestations: According to “Practical Pediatrics” Pediatric malnutrition