随着联网逐渐走进寻常百姓家中,802.11这串数字对那些无线互联网用户们早已是耳熟能详,因为它们经常被印在那些无线产品的包装上。而随着无线接入技术的飞速发展,802.16技术已成为当今无线业界关注的焦点。何为IEEE 802.16IEEE 802在无线领域针对不同的市场需求和应用模式制订了不同的标准,如应用于无线局域网的IEEE 802.11标准。IEEE 802.16则是为制订无线城域网(Wireless MAN)标准成立的工作组,该工作组自1999年成立后,主要负责固定无线接入的空中接口标准,涉及MMDS、LMDS等技术。IEEE802.16标准又称为WirelessMAN
As networking becomes more commonplace in the homes of ordinary people, the string of 802.11 numbers is already familiar to wireless Internet users as they are often printed on the packaging of those wireless products. With the rapid development of wireless access technology, 802.16 technology has become the focus of today’s wireless industry. What is IEEE 802.16 IEEE 802 Different standards have been formulated for different market needs and application models in the wireless area, such as the IEEE 802.11 standard for wireless LANs. IEEE 802.16 is a working group set up for the development of the Wireless MAN standard. Since its establishment in 1999, the IEEE 802.16 team has been mainly responsible for the air interface standards for fixed wireless access involving technologies such as MMDS and LMDS. The IEEE 802.16 standard is also known as WirelessMAN