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明确小麦-夏直播花生(W-P)种植体系的主要碳排放环节,可为采取有效措施实现该体系高产与低碳排放的协同效益提供参考。本文依据全生命周期方法,构建碳足迹模型,并核算了山东省W-P种植体系生命周期碳排放。结果表明:山东省W-P种植体系的净收益较小麦-玉米(W-M)种植体系高71.2%~88.3%;W-P种植体系的单位面积碳排放达6977.9~8018.5 kg·hm~(-2),较W-M种植体系高6.2%,但单位净产值的碳排放为0.23~0.28 kg CO_2eq·元~(-1),较W-M种植体系低37.4%~44.1%。综合2种种植体系的净收益和单位净产值碳排放发现,W-P种植体系可以实现高产出与低碳排放的协同效益,符合优化供给、提质增效、农民增收的农业供给侧结构性改革目标。 It is clear that the major carbon emission of wheat-summer direct seeding (W-P) planting system can provide reference for taking effective measures to realize the synergy of high yield and low carbon emission of this system. Based on the life-cycle approach, this paper constructs a carbon footprint model and accounts for the life-cycle carbon emissions of W-P cropping systems in Shandong Province. The results showed that the net income of WP planting system in Shandong Province was 71.2% -88.3% higher than that of the wheat-corn (WM) planting system, and that of WP planting system was 6977.9-8080.5 kg · hm -2. The planting system was 6.2% higher, but the net carbon emission per unit of production was 0.23-0.28 kg CO 2 eq · $ -1, which was 37.4% -44.1% lower than that of the WM planting system. Based on the net income and the net carbon emissions per unit of production of the two planting systems, it is found that the WP planting system can achieve synergies between high-yield and low-carbon emission, in line with the goal of structural reform on the supply side of agriculture in terms of optimizing supply, improving efficiency and increasing farmers’ incomes .
Introduction  English is utilized as the second language (ESL) in many Asian countries such as India, Indonesia, Singapore, and Bangladesh. People live in these countries are highly exposed to the lan
【摘要】公共演讲中,除思路清晰、观点鲜明、材料充实、论据确凿、论证严密、生动流畅外,语言得体、直指人心也是成功与否的关键。所以在大学英语演讲课上,引导学生正确运用礼貌原则、顾及听众的面子,必不可少,至关重要。  【关键词】英语演讲;礼貌原则;面子  【作者简介】钱苏宁(1984.6- ),女,江苏徐州人,徐州工程学院,讲师,主要从事大学英语教学与研究。  【基金项目】本文系2017年度江苏省社科应
【摘要】翻转课堂教学模式有助于高校学生的听说读写等英语综合能力的全面提升,是一种行之有效的教学模式。有鉴于此,本文将分析翻转课堂教学模式在我国高校英语教学中应用的可行性及其必要性,并在此基础上探究翻转课堂教学模式在应用于高校英语教学的具体策略。以期回应高校英语教学现状,解决现实中的急迫问题。  【关键词】翻转课堂;教学模式;高校英语教学  【作者简介】刘沁心(1990.1- ),女,汉族,贵州赤水