在 IT 行业,北京市场对于全国来说可谓是举足轻重,可总部位于广州的七喜集团公司的 PC 进京后始终未有大的作为,他们到底做何打算,集团总经理易贤忠又是唱的哪一出呢?说七喜不重视北京市场并非空穴来风,七喜在全国设有8个分公司,但只有北京分公司停留在分销业务上,其他地方都是综合性公司,包括集成、网络等业务。为何会有如此的安排呢?易总认为,目前北京的分
In the IT industry, the Beijing market can be regarded as a pivotal position for the whole country. However, the PC of Qixi Group, headquartered in Guangzhou, has not taken a big step since its entry into Beijing. What are they going to do, and Yi Xianzhong, general manager of the group, is singing again Which one out? Saying hi does not value the Beijing market is not groundless, HEDY has eight branches in the country, but only the Beijing branch stay in the distribution business, other places are integrated companies, including integration, networking and other businesses. Why there is such an arrangement? Yi always think that the current Beijing points