米其林以“选对轮胎,改变一切”为主题,展出其最新的工程机械轮胎产品及明星产品,旨在通过此次展会,加强同国内工程机械行业的交流与合作,并推动中国机械工业的发展。米其林(中国)投资有限公司副总裁瑞法龙(Benoit Rivallant)先生表示:“我们非常高兴能够参加2012宝马中国展这样的行业盛会。我们不仅带来了最新的工程机械轮胎产品,尤其是为中国市场量身打造的创新产品,以满足中国机械行业对高品质轮胎产品的需求;更希望借此
With the theme of ”Choosing the Tire and Changing Everything“, Michelin exhibited its latest construction machinery tire products and celebrity products. Through this exhibition, Michelin aims to strengthen exchanges and cooperation with the domestic construction machinery industry and promote the development of China Machinery Industrial development. Mr. Benoit Rivallant, Vice President, Michelin (China) Investment Co., Ltd., said: ”We are very pleased to be able to attend such an industry event as BMW China 2012. We not only bring the latest construction machinery tire products, Chinese market tailored innovative products to meet China’s machinery industry demand for high-quality tire products; even more hope to take this