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船撞桥墩事故往往造成重大损失。为了有效保护大桥的安全,近年来发展了多种多样的大桥桥墩防船舶撞击装置。随着社会的发展,在船撞桥突发事故中,提出了保护船舶安全的要求,因此,要求防撞装置能大幅降低撞击力。大桥防撞装置的研究者为了满足实际工程需要,目前主要通过对船撞桥过程进行数值模拟,根据计算得到的撞击力设计防撞装置。由于缺乏实验验证,所设计的防撞装置的可靠性和有效性受到质疑,而大型的船撞桥墩实验都耗资巨大。为此,本文研究船撞桥的模型实验。该研究考虑了水流力对船体运动的影响,采用量纲分析方法确定模型实验的物理量和几何尺寸,在此基础上设计了小模型实验模拟满载排水量1010吨的货船撞击桥墩的情况。文中给出了不同工况下(分别改变撞击角度、船上货分布情况以及是否安装防撞装置)小模型实验的结果,指出了各种因素(工况)对船体运动状态的影响。在模型实验中,致力于测量船舶撞击桥墩后的运动轨迹,分析撞击力大小的变化以及水对船舶运动轨迹、撞击力和能量的影响。 Ship collision pier accident often cause heavy losses. In order to effectively protect the safety of the bridge, a variety of bridge pier anti-ship impact devices have been developed in recent years. With the development of society, the requirements of ship safety are put forward in the accident of ship collision bridge. Therefore, it is required that the collision avoidance device can greatly reduce the impact force. Bridge crashworthy researchers in order to meet the needs of the actual project, mainly by the ship collision process of numerical simulation, the collision force calculated according to the design of anti-collision device. Due to the lack of experimental verification, the reliability and effectiveness of the designed collision avoidance device have been questioned, while large-scale ship collision piers experiments are costly. Therefore, this paper studies the model experiment of ship collision bridge. In this study, the influence of water flow on the hull movement was considered. The physical and geometrical dimensions of the model experiment were determined by the dimension analysis method. Based on this, a small model experiment was designed to simulate the situation of a ship with a full displacement of 1010 tons colliding with the pier. In this paper, the results of small model experiments under different operating conditions (changing the impact angle, the distribution of the cargoes on the ship and whether to install the anti-collision device, respectively) are given. The influence of various factors (operating conditions) on the motion of the hull is also pointed out. In the model experiment, we devoted to measuring the motion trajectory of the ship after it impacted the pier, analyzing the change of the impact force and the influence of water on the trajectory, impact force and energy of the ship.
口腔扁平苔藓(oral lichen planus,OLP)是发生于口腔的一种常见的慢性炎性免疫反应性疾病,多数学者认为口腔扁平苔藓为T淋巴细胞介导的免疫相关疾病,世界卫生组织将其列为可
1 原文玉照堂梅品并序[南宋]张镃梅花为天下神奇,而诗人尤所酷好.淳熙歲乙巳,予得曹氏荒圃於南湖之滨,有古梅数十,散漫弗治,爰辍地十畝,移种成列;增取西湖北山别圃江梅,合三
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