Force is the force that the periodontal body is subjected to during occlusal force, which is derived from the force exerted by the oral mandibular muscles, mainly the muscles of the chewing muscles and the wing muscles, but not their full force, only the maximum Part of the force (masticatory force). When the teeth in the occlusion, the greater the force is greater. Under normal circumstances, periodontal tissue in the bite without discomfort, but the force is too large, there will be periodontal tissue discomfort or pain. Therefore, the periodontal ligament has a certain range of tolerance. Experience has shown that: a man's power and size of the individual's age, gender and dental health are closely related. Efficacy of the normal or not is to identify the evaluation of oral physical function one of the indicators. By check can understand the teeth, periodontal, masticatory muscle, temporomandibular joint and other tissues of small health