【摘 要】
Department of Fisheries Engineering, Shanghai Fisheries University In order to promote the technological transformation of coastal fisheries in China, the pilot propeller was applied to the research, development and technical service of wooden fishing vessels since 1988. On the basis of extensive investigations and studies, based on extensive investigations and studies, the design of the 19A Catheter + Ka Series Propeller Propeller was determined in view of the complex features of the mass fishing wooden fishing vessels, models and gearboxes, so as to reasonably match the ships, machines and propellers, The technical status of fisheries,
Sedimentation from soil erosion is a critical reservoir watershed management issue. Due to the difficulty of field investigations, empirical formulas are common
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Natural rivers are usually winding with branches and shoals,which are difficult to be simulated with rectangular grids. A 3-D current numerical model was establ
Intergraph Announces Release of ViZfxIntergraph, an
随着生殖免疫学研究的进步,许多不明原因的流产和免疫因素有关已得到普遍认可,并对此类疾病进行了主动及被动免疫治疗,现就免疫治疗的机理、方法,对母婴影响作一综述。 正常
[Objective] To conduct map scanning of 41 types of rhubarb by near-infrared diffuse reflectance spectrometry, and to provide a new method for the pharmacognosti