新疆鄯善县共种植蔬菜温室4 500余座,其中进行套种的温室有1 350座,面积5 000余亩。鄯善县农业技术推广中心对全县温室间套作模式进行调查,总结出当地常见且效益较好的6种套种模式类型。套种温室比不套种的温室经济效益高,因套种类型和作物的不同,高出单作温室2 500~10 000元不等。
A total of 4,500 vegetable greenhouses were planted in Shanshan County, Xinjiang. Among them, 1,350 greenhouses were interplanted, covering an area of 5,000 hectares. Shanshan Agricultural Technology Promotion Center of the county greenhouse inter-working model to investigate and concluded that the local common and better efficiency of 6 intercropping patterns types. Intercropping greenhouse than non-intercropping greenhouse high economic efficiency, because of intercropping types and different crops, higher than the single-greenhouse 2 500 ~ 10,000 range.