5月27日,作为“第五届北京现代音乐节”的重头戏之一,由青年钢琴家邹翔演绎的法国当代音乐大师奥利维尔·梅西安(Olivier Messiaen,1908—1985)的钢琴巨著《圣婴二十默想》独奏音乐会吸引了众多圈内外人士的目光。按照惯例“北京现代音乐节”每年都会向一位现代音乐大师致敬,并围绕其展开一系列的纪念研讨活动,今年恰逢梅西安诞辰一百周年,因此邹翔这场音乐会不仅切题,而且在曲目选择上也是相当够分量。
On May 27, as one of the highlights of the Fifth Beijing Modern Music Festival, the piano by Olivier Messiaen (1908-1985), a contemporary French master musician performed by young pianist Zou Xiang, The solo concert titled “The Immaculate Conception of the Twenty-First Baby” attracted the attention of many people inside and outside the circle. By convention “Beijing Modern Music Festival” every year to pay tribute to a modern master of music, and around it to start a series of commemorative seminars, this year coincides with the centenary of Messianic’s birthday, so Zou Xiang not only cut the topic , But also in the track selection is quite enough weight.