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从二十世纪四十年代中期的V2火箭开始,经过红石,丘辟特和潘兴导弹,成功地应用过delta极小的概念。delta极小概念要求:不管其它因素如何,标准弹道和被干扰的弹道基本上都要经过同一条几何弹道。为了使delta极小概念得以实现,曾采用了模拟计算技术。 1960年开始研究用于土星运载火箭的新的制导概念。用最佳化方法使有效载荷最大的新的数学方法和在弹上采用数字计算机来代替模拟计算机,推进了这一研究工作。显然,为了对付象发动机关机那样的突然变化,要求空间轨道有较大的适应性,而在选择飞行轨道时必须有较大的灵活性。本报告介绍了为使土星运载火箭满足这些空间制导的新要求而提出的迭代制导定律的基本概念。迭代制导定律的研究以及在报告中提出的结论和概念,首先应该归功于H.J.霍恩先生和他的一些在航空——天体动力学研究所的动态分析和飞行力学部门的同事们。 Beginning with the V2 rocket in the mid-1940s, the concept of delta minutiae has been successfully applied through the Redstone, Chitbottom and Pershing missiles. The minimum concept of delta requires that, regardless of other factors, both the standard and the disturbed trajectory basically go through the same geometrical trajectory. In order to achieve the very concept of delta, analog computing techniques have been used. In 1960 began to study the new guidance concept for Saturn launch vehicles. This research work is advanced by the new mathematical method of maximizing the payload with optimization methods and the use of digital computers instead of analog computers on bombs. Obviously, in order to cope with sudden changes like engine shutdown, greater flexibility is required for the space orbit and greater flexibility is required in selecting the orbit. This report presents the basic concepts of iterative guidance laws that make Saturn launch vehicles meet these new requirements for space guidance. The study of iterative guidance laws and the conclusions and concepts presented in the report should first be attributed to H.J. Horn and his colleagues in the Department of Dynamic Analysis and Flight Mechanics at the Institute of Aeronautic Astrodynamics.
分析了国内牛仔面料开发的现状 ,介绍了牛仔面料新品的发展趋势 ,并就其新品开发的目的、设计思路及方法提出了一些建议。
本文针对控制点外业采集中存在的问题,对外业数据采集、成果整理等流程的自动化进行研究,利用北斗实时动态码相位差分(Real Time Differentia,RTD)技术,基于Android系统,采用