去甲肾上腺素用于临床已有多年历史,对“休克”之治疗占重要地位。关于此药用法,以往文献多数强调必需混于生理盐水、等渗葡萄糖液、血浆或全血中缓慢静脉滴入。但也有少数文献提及可以肌肉注射1—2毫克,以尽早抢救患者。 1962年2月——6月份,我院收容“流行性脑脊髓膜炎”(以下简称“流脑”)患者427例,其中出现休克及休克先驱症候者共115例。其中1—5岁幼儿62例,当时由于条件所限以及幼儿静脉输液困难,人力物力不及。我们在严密观察下慎重应用去甲肾上腺
Norepinephrine has been used clinically for many years in history and plays an important role in the treatment of “shock”. About this medical method, most of the previous literature emphasizes the need to mix in saline, isotonic glucose solution, slow intravenous infusion of plasma or whole blood. However, there are a few references mentioning intramuscular injection of 1-2 mg to rescue patients as soon as possible. From February to June in 1962, 427 cases of “meningococcal meningitis” (hereinafter referred to as “meningitis”) were admitted to our hospital, including 115 cases of shock and shock pioneer syndrome. Among them, 62 cases of children aged 1-5 years, due to the conditions and the difficulties of intravenous infusion of young children, manpower and resources less than. We carefully apply the norepinephrine under close observation