江泽民总书记在中央思想政治工作会议上的讲话,从历史和现实、国际和国内的高度,针对思想政治工作面临的新形势、新情况,全面阐述了一系列带有根本性、全局性的重大理论和实践问题。《讲话》立意深远、论述精辟、语重心长、催人奋进,是我们扎实工作,努力开创企业思想政治工作新局面的行动指南。学习、贯彻《讲话》精神,须着重从以下五个方面下力气、抓落实。 一、抓住生命线,发挥新优势 在企业把思想政治工作放在什么位置去做和以怎样的姿态去做,取决于我们对思想政治工作的认识。 市场经济条件下的企业,是一个经济组织,发展生产、提高效益是它的根本任务,这一点不能动摇。然而在激烈的市
General Secretary Jiang Zemin’s speech at the Central Conference on Ideological and Political Work comprehensively expounded on a series of important and fundamental issues concerning the ideological and political work in light of history and reality, both at the international and domestic levels. Theoretical and practical issues. The “speech” is of far-reaching significance. Its elaborate on insight, earnestness, and enterprising spirit are guidelines for our solid work and striving to create a new situation in the ideological and political work of enterprises. To study and implement the spirit of “speech”, we must focus our efforts on and implement the following five aspects. First, seize the lifeline, give full play to the new advantages in the ideological and political work in enterprises where to do and in what attitude to do, depends on our understanding of ideological and political work. An enterprise under the condition of a market economy is an economic organization. It is its unshakable aim to develop production and improve efficiency. However in the fierce city