The impact of building massing on net-zero achievability for office buildings

来源 :建筑模拟(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhongshengxiao
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The simultaneous impact of massing on both energy consumption and renewable energy production potential is studied by taking the case of office buildings in Washington D.C. A Baseline design with a square footprint is compared with eleven massing altatives: three rectangular paralelepiped designs with aspect ratios of respectively 2, 3, and 4, along the east-west orientation; three rectangular parallelepiped designs with aspect ratios of respectively 2, 3, and 4, along the north-south orientation; two H-shaped designs; one cross-shaped design; and two pyramidal buildings with wal slopes of respectively 86° and 83°. With differences between the best performing massing altative and the worst performing massing altative of more than 10% in terms of energy consumption, and more than 20% in terms of renewable energy production, massing is found to significantly impact both energy use and energy production. Consideration of both energy consumption and renewable energy production potential suggests that, for temperate climates such as Washington D.C., buildings with H-shaped footprints, buildings with cross- shaped footprints, and buildings with high aspect ratio footprints are preferable when targeting net-zero energy status.
The present study is aimed at assessing the ability of Bacillus sp.JDM-2-1 and Staphylococcus capitis to reduce hexavalent chromium into its trivalent form.Baci
在治疗疾病过程中,有人认为打针比吃药好,一是方便,二是治疗效果好,所以有了病就想打针输液,不愿意吃药。这种认识是片面的。  输液治病不见得比药物快。有人错误地认为,针剂的纯度比口服药物高,所以治疗效果好。针剂纯度是高,但有效成分并不一定高。在制作藥物液体时为除去杂质,有效成分也会损失,所以相对来讲,注射液的有效成分比口服药剂要少。也有人认为口服药的生物利用度(吸收效果)没有注射剂高,但是现在口服药
摘 要:本文从土地和品种选择、苗期管理、栽培密度、肥水管理、松土除草、整形修剪六方面进行深入探讨,希望能为相关人士提供有效参考。  关键词:栽培技术;松土除草;肥水管理  杨树与其余的品种而言对于环境的适应能力较强,并且对水分的要求并不严格,即使在寒冷的天气也能保持健康的成长,能够在盐碱化严重的土地上进行大规模种植,所以针对上述情况,在环境条件较为恶劣的地区也可以进行大面积种植,保证当地的生态环境