(十三)简洁:厚不因多,薄不因少。务简先繁,欲洁去小。气象萧疏,林壑清旷。笔简意赅,清丽明快。图例《漓江诗情》,以状似大象的象形石构图,配以远山小石,两叶扁舟,而漓江景象豁然自出。章法简炼,内涵丰富,意境恬静。有似画之“笔简形具”,“人方辞费,我一笔了”。 (十四)健拔:体足用充,神警骨峭。蓄精养神,节劲枝遒。抑扬顿挫,笔力雄健。天趣盎然,神工鬼斧。
(Thirteen) concise: thick not much, thin not less. Business Jane first Fan, want to clean to small. Xiao Shu weather, Lin Qing Qing Kuang. Simple pen 赅, bright and cheerful. Legend “Lijiang Poetry” to the shape of the elephant-like stone pictorial map, accompanied by a small mountain rocks, two-leaf boat, and Lijiang River suddenly emerged from the scene. Concise chapter concise, rich in content, quiet mood. There are like to draw the “pen”, “people Fang Fei fee, I am a sum.” (Fourteen) health promotion: full body charge, God bones steep. Pianjing recuperation, the festival Jin branch 遒. Cadence, hard-working. Full of life, demon workers ax.